
Mohamed Atta

9/1/1968 - 9/11/2001

Last Words

"Not Recorded"

Death & Legacy

The former US defence secretary, Caspar Weinberger, has died aged 88. He was a key figure in the Reagan administration's cold war strategy, but his career was tarnished by the Iran-Contra affair. Weinberger, who had been suffering from pneumonia, died on Tuesday at the Eastern Maine medical centre in Bangor. His wife of 63 years, Jane, was at his bedside.

Read full obituary from The Guardian


Cause of Death
Plane crash (September 11 attacks)
Age at Death
33 years
Funeral Location
Al-Medina Mosque, Cairo, Egypt
Final Resting Place
Body not recovered, believed to be in the wreckage of the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City, U.S.