

4/20/1889 - 4/30/1945

Last Words

"Not Recorded"

Death & Legacy

Adolf Hitler, one-time Austrian vagabond who rose to be the dictator of Germany, augumenter of the Reich and the scourge of Europe, was, according to an announcement by the German radio today, dead in his bunker beneath the Reich Chancellery in Berlin. His death was reported to have occurred at 3:30 P.M. on Monday, and he was said to have died of a bullet wound in the mouth, self-inflicted.

Read full obituary from The New York Times


Cause of Death
Suicide by gunshot and cyanide poisoning
Age at Death
56 years
Funeral Location
Berlin, Germany
Final Resting Place
Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle's Nest), Berchtesgaden, Germany (ashes scattered)